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Vulcan Tight Vagina Vibrating Vulcan
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Tight, yet flexible vagina masturbator with a stimulating structure that feels incredibly realistic. Includes a mini vibrator with six different rhythms that adds extra vibrations to the fun. Transparent. Ø tight and flexible. Can be removed from the compact, black/beige case for cleaning. Complete length approx. Ø flexible. 15 cm. Material: PP, SEBS, ABS (mini vibrator). Includes button cell batteries.
Tight, yet flexible vagina masturbator with a stimulating structure that feels incredibly realistic. Includes a mini vibrator with six different rhythms that adds extra vibrations to the fun. Transparent. Ø tight and flexible. Can be removed from the compact, black/beige case for cleaning. Complete length approx. Ø flexible. 15 cm. Material: PP, SEBS, ABS (mini vibrator). Includes button cell batteries.
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CHF 32.36
CHF 43.14